Quantum Voyages


Aneta Lee as SAPIENZA
Charlotte Howard-Check as TERRA
Aarya Mehta as AKASH


Jon Faw                                                       
Jason Miles                   
Aubrey Pineda                                         
Avi Pellegrinetti  
Carissa Yau


Xavier Davenport, Guitar/Spinductor
Na’ilah Ali, Electric Violin
Stephen Taylor, Keyboards/Computer
Jason Finkelman, Percussion
Jake Metz, Mixing Console/Electronics


Anaheim, March 2025
Gina Lorenz
David Campbell
Julio Barreiro-Gurrero
Camille Bernal-Chopin
Philip Phillips 

Urbana, April 2025
Gina Lorenz
Tony Leggett
Brian DeMarco 
Camille Bernal-Chopin
Philip Phillips 


Latrelle Bright, Staging/Creative Director
Smitha Vishveshwara, Science/Creative Director
Stephen A. Taylor, Composer/Music Director
Jessica Page Elliott, Assistant Director
Avi Pelligrenetti, Movement Director 
Rebecca Wiltfong, CASCaDe Project Manager
Cora Downey, Production Manager (Anaheim)
Maria Miguens, Production Manager (Urbana)
Gabriela Mendoza, Stage Manager
Eme Ospina-Lopez, Media Design
Brant Murray, LIghting Design
Alec LeBau, Sound Coordinator
Jake Metz, Sound Operator
Richard Gregg, Costume Coordinator
Preethi Basani, Production Assistant

Guided by Sapienza, the spirit of knowledge, two voyagers enter the microscopic realm of atomic landscapes and quantum conundrums to discover a magnificent and baffling world foreign to every day human experience. As in epic and fairy tales – say, the Metamorphosis or the Nutcracker, the voyagers explore land after land, each tickling the viewer’s imagination and, unlike fairy tales, offering glimpses of a world we believe actually resides around us. The trio confront terrifying prospects of being Dead and Alive at once, encounter electrons acting as waves, are pelleted by photons, glide through diaphanous orbitals of atoms, precess in Magnetic Resonant Imaging machines, levitate above superconducting surfaces, and navigate disordered quantum terrains within complex materials. The two voyagers emerge awakened to the miniscule scapes within us and the affirmation that things are never what they seem.

Preparing for opening night at the iHotel, 2018 
Preparing for opening night at the iHotel, 2018 

Quantum Voyages was a concept created by Smitha Vishveshwara and Latrelle Bright by combining scientific knowledge and the beauty of theater.  Their collaboration started in 2018 and is still going strong today!

Many of the students involved in Quantum Voyages study physics. Some aspects of Quantum Voyages include a more abstract, biological application of the science, so students visited the University of Illinois Biomedical Imaging Center to research these aspects of the production. There was plenty of inspiration for the props and light projections!

Scheduled to be a part of the American Physical Society's March Meeting, 2025 in the Grove of Anaheim, in Anaheim CA will be the fourth performance of Quantum Voyages. It premiered on March 30, 2018, at the I Hotel and Conference Center, in honor of Nobel Prize-winning physicist Anthony Leggett’s 80th birthday. A second performance on April 4, 2018, at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science was dedicated to the memory of Professor Charles Slichter, a revered condensed matter physicist who served on the Illinois Physics faculty for 57 years.  The third performance happened in 2019 for the American Physical Society's March Meeting, March 4-8 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

“Our rehearsals are magical and wonderfully educational. It's a joy watching our script come to life. We have a mix of theater and physics people in the production, and we emphasize the cast having an understanding of the physics we are conveying, in addition to getting top-notch theater training from Latrelle. It's a harmonious blend of two worlds, theater and science.”

Smitha Vishveshwara, Professor of Physics, U of I

Rehearsal in KCPA, Studio II, March 2025
Rehearsal in KCPA, Studio II, March 2025

Latrelle and Smitha collaborating on the first showing of Quantum Voyages